Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Always a Cougar.....

Because the last post was so wordy, I'll keep it short with this one.

I graduated. It was good. We took lots of pictures.

Here is a sample of the many pictures.

The "Sweet Sixteen"- My bffs from nursing school

Obvy I had to take a jumping pic (please notice the high heels)


Daddy. My academic moral support. Love him.

So fun to graduate with Sonya! That was a little perk of setting up your brother with your nursing school friends....
They're now married!

Three poses with the cougar was plenty.

I started getting restless and pictures like the following resulted:
Mom and Kimber weren't too happy but they giggled. Yay for graduating and pictures.


Mark and Debbie Holt said...

What a fun weekend! Glad you finally posted about it! You are amazing and we are so proud of our Nurse Allie!!

Kimber said...

yay! now i found YOUR blog! i love this :)